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About Green Hope

Welcome to Green Hope official site!!...Green Hope seeks to implement environmental education to all schools in provinces of the Dominican Republic where regional campuses of Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) are located by establishing a strong campaign of climate change´s prevention starting on the campus of the province of Barahona, located in the south region of the Dominican Republic. For putting this commitment to action we have planned several initiatives which can be incorporated into the community in order to create environmental conscience in all habitants and to expand the culture of environmental protection; recycling promotion, garbage collection and reforestation. This will be accomplished through awareness campaigns, creating the conditions for recycling and creating reforestation programs in line with the area.

The main reason why this organization is created by the urgent need now exists to educate Dominican youth in the protection and conservation of the environment in order to achieve ecological balance and a healthier environment. Similarly the project arises for the following reasons:

  • Dominican Republic (like other countries in the planet) its affected by the effect of Climate change.

  • There is lack of conscience within the Dominican people towards the preservation of the environment. This lack includes mostly to young people.

  • The Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) is the most populated university within the country, because of this; it constitutes one of the most favorable fields to the application of ideas and initiatives to motivate the population to take action towards environmental issues.

General Objectives

  • Create awareness within the students in regards to the safekeeping of the environment.

  • Promote the values about the safekeeping of the environment.

  • Achieve a cleaner UASD, with an environmental social responsibility.

Specific Objectives

  • Involve university students in the waste classification process.

  • Give lectures related to recycling, the conservation of the environment, and climate change to students, faculty, custodians.

  • Create a classification and waste collection system, allowing the re-use of them through recycling.

Ave. Independencia, C/Perpendicular 2da No. 2, Jardines del Sur, D.N.
Fax: 809-508-0855
Email: greenhopedr@gmail.com

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